Songs For March (8)

  No one gets too sad that I am only going to have two more pieces from this series, this has been a very fun series to write though, do not get me wrong, and I want you all to leave me music suggestions too!

Say, Less - C Bane: We all know that C Bane was a frequent flyer on my playlist after I did his deep dive, as an artist I find him to be incredibly underappreciated. But, I believe a slow and steady come-up is more respectable than a fast one.

Scorn - Hounds: This was a song I got to talk to Hounds about when I did my interview with him, so I like that I got to feature it again because it is one of my favorite tracks from him.

Set Opener - ZCR: This song from ZCR I also enjoy a lot because I like being in the mood of pretending I am at an EDM concert even though I am just in my little depression room, but Spring Break mindset!

She Knows - Joyner Lucas: This is another shock that Joyner Lucas has been broken up into this many different parts because he was one of the artists that I feel like I streamed a lot during February and into March. 

Shooting Star - Joyner Lucas: Having two back-to-back Joyner Lucas songs is very rare but is appreciated. I think Joyner Lucas is incredibly talented but is underrated, he reminds me of Earl Sweatshirt in that regard.

Show Me Who You Are - Stp.Freddo: This was another song that I did my deep dive on Stp.Freddo that I enjoyed. If you have not checked out Stp. Freddo I would recommend giving him a listen.

SH SH SH (Hit That) - DVBBS, Wiz Khalifa, Urfavxboyfriend, Goldsoul: This is a song that I believe needs to be played at every darty this year, I am very close to making a darty playlist for you all. 

Someone Protect Her - Kamiyada+: I am so shocked that I made it this far without having a Kamiyada+ song in an article, so of course, here is one. I love Kamiyada+ and find him another underrated artist. 

Spin Bout U - Drake, 21 Savage: This is my favorite song from the “Her Loss” album. I love 21’s verse and Drake saying “musty rusty crusty and dusty” makes me feel some type of way in my heart. 

Thru The Screen - Cold Hart, Yawns: I am also shocked I made it this far without a song from Cold Hart, especially one that features Yawns, so I am glad that they made a comeback in this playlist.

TIL I DIE - Space Rangers, Disco Lines: This is another heavy hitter that I believe needs to be added to every darty playlist. It is in a lot of Soundcloud big mixes already so I am glad it is now available on Soundcloud.

Tombstone Grey - JAWNY: This is another great track from JAWNY, another artist whom I am shocked I made it this far this is the first track in the article from this artist because JANWY was also a heavy hitter. 
