I know, we have made it to the 6th part of the music that I was streaming in February that I will also be streaming in March because these songs are all bangers. If you have not checked out any of the articles from this series, go ahead and do so!
Locked Up - Hounds, TrippyThaKid: This is the first song in this article, and the fact that it is a track from Hounds, for me, means that this article will be a good one. We all know that I love Hounds.
Lonely - Mark Tuan: Now, we are getting a little sentimental I guess, when I analyzed my Spotify Blend with my ex-girlfriend, this was one of her songs. We are on good terms and this is a good track.
Losses - HARV, KYLE: This is such a good song, like the kind of song that will always be a good song for me, and, if you have read any of my Chill Mixes, then you know that this is a frequent flyer in my rotation.
Lost My Mind - ZCR, TrippyThaKid: This is another guarantee for me that this article will be good because we have a track from ZCR on it too, also since both the Hounds and ZCR track featured TrippyThaKid, it makes it even better.
Lullaby - Joyner Lucas: This is another song that is a frequent flyer in my Chill Mixes, and so of course, it will be in this month’s rotation too. I am also shocked that this is the first song that is from Joyner Lucas in this article series.
Made In America - Waterparks: This was another one of my favorite tracks from my Waterparks deep dive. This is another deep dive that I am surprised that I have not had more music from so far.
More - Mark Tuan: This was another certified hood classic that came from my ex-girlfriend. I like this song a lot although I still have no clue about a thing about Mark Tuan, I do enjoy his music.
Munch (Feelin' U) - Ice Spice: We have another banger from our queen Ice Spice. Ironically, I did not know how I felt about Ice Spice when I first started hearing her music, now I adore her.
Myria - Hounds: This is another banger from Hounds, I am feeling more complete that I am having tracks from Hounds again because we all know how much I love him as an artist, so this means this is a good deep dive.
Napalm - Cold Hart: This is another banger from Cold Hart, this is also shockingly the first song to come from him in the current article that I am writing but whenever I say that then I get three more tracks.
No Gimmicks - Stp.Freddo: This song was from the Stp. Freddo deep dive that I did, honestly, I talk about these deep dives a lot, so be sure to check them all out to see even more good tracks from these artists.
Numb - Waterparks: This is another absolute smash hit from Waterparks. They are a very talented band and in all honesty, I find them to be very underrated. I feel like they do not get the credit that they deserve.
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