Update On The Idaho Murders

 Since we all know the Idaho murders are my favorite subject, I decided to dive back into writing about them again today. So, I went back to the internet, did some digging, and formed this article. 

So, we are going to start with who is Adam. He was being discussed by Madison and Kaylee. If you have missed this, Kaylee was the target of this murder. So, I think it’s time to start reviewing the Instagram following lists to find him. This is the first name we have been given other than roommates and exes. Although the investigation is already so fucked up, I think this video needs to be addressed and the hunt for Adam needs to start. Maybe he will even drive a white Hyundai Elantra! Now, I have seen where Kaylee’s dad said that Adam is not a suspect, but at the rate, we are going, I believe he still needs to be considered. 

I think one thing we need to stop doing is worrying about Xana’s mom and what she got arrested for. Her arrest has no tie to the murder, do not let this distract from the case at hand. Y’all are worrying about all the wrong stuff to be so real right now, where are the suspects? Has the State been called to help with the investigation yet since the Moscow cops are incompetent? Why are the cops so incompetent? You know, the real stuff, not the shit y’all are worried about now like the arrest of Xana’s mother.

Next, what was the scream picked up on the bodycam? The news that keeps surfacing left and right shows such a lack of ability within the police force of Moscow, Idaho. Like why is it that all these big things keep happening and when we are updated about them, it is so casual? Also, if the police were in the area enough to have the recorded scream, who is the officer on duty, and does he have any other evidence with his car or body or just memory? This all needs to be considered because this is the first potential witness.

If anyone reading this is a lawyer, is any of y’all going to volunteer a civil case for the families of the victims that can sue the police force and coroner for doing a crappy job with the crime scene and dismissing so many potential clues? Like I swear to you, any of my septum-piercing true crime girlies on TikTok could have all of this handled right now, the perpetrator would probably be on trial tomorrow if they had banded as one with this case. 

I understand the concept of the roommates being the perpetrators but  I can’t get behind it. It would be an easy guess, but it makes no sense. In no world does anyone get drunk to the point of stabbing four people in their home, I know people are curious how they slept through it, but from personal experience, if I drink enough, I sleep through anything. So, I think the theory about it being the roommates is so irrelevant. 

We are at the point in the investigation where I believe 4chan, Reddit, Twitter, and TikTok are the only way this murder will be solved. The users are continuing to push for answers on this case which is incredible to see, but I do not believe the Moscow police force can do this. It will have to be up to the state police force or the FBI for us to get actual answers about what happened in the wee hours of November 13th. 

