Get To Know Me Pt. 2

  I wanted to write a little more about myself because I think it is good to familiarize yourself more with who is writing the blog that you are reading. I have looked up some general get-to-know-you questions and am going to answer them in a way that will allow y’all to get to know me better. I have already posted a part one, so if you want to head over there and check that out, go ahead!

My favorite family vacation that I have ever been on was in my freshman year of high school when I went to Disney World and Universal Studios. I had never been to Universal Studios so it was super cool to visit as for Disney World, I understand that I went when I was much older but honestly, I enjoyed it so much better because I go to experience it and remember it compared to when I went as a child. 

There is very little that I would change about myself. I am incredibly confident in who I am internally and externally. If I had to change one thing about myself though, I would completely get rid of my double chin. If I had an actual jawline I truly believe that I would be invincible. I also may give myself a fat ass, which wouldn’t suck, but to be honest, I am not exactly insecure with any part of myself. 

There is not much that makes me angry, overall, I am a pretty happy person. Right now, I am writing this in the library and someone is eating chili and it smells disgusting. I would say I find stuff like that something that can grind my gears. But there isn’t anything that truly makes me angry enough to verbalize it. If you eat chili in a library though, I hope you have a bad day, that is so gross.  

When it comes to working hard, I honestly struggle with it. I only want to do things that interest me. For example, with my blog, I am so motivated to work hard because this is what I want to do for my career. Like, I manifest for myself that as soon as possible, this blog will take off and I can drop out of college and just write and be an influencer for a living, so, I guess the idea of my career is what motivates me.

So I am going to put this in the future when this is my full-time career. I think the thing that I enjoy the most about what I do is that all the work that I am doing is on my terms. Like I write about what I want, I edit all my work myself, and I have no one trying to take creative control over what I am doing. Ever since I was a kid, I have realized no matter what I do, I will always want to have entire control over what I do in my career. 

Still in the future when this is my full-time career, my biggest complaint about my job is that at this point I don’t have a computer charger so I am solely dependent on other people for one until I can afford one, but to be honest with you, if that is my biggest issue with my job at this point, that sounds like the best career in the world. I guess the one thing I do struggle with is I do not know how to grow this account just yet but I know it will all work out in my favor.

My proudest accomplishment in my entire life was getting into college. To be honest with you, I never thought I would go to college, and I knew if I did I would want to attend the University of Alabama and now I do! It is insane to me because this was something I wanted and I got it! I also recently got a deal with Tom Ford for makeup and that is another huge accomplishment for me because that was something else I never thought I would have. 
