Youngboy NBA

 Youngboy has been hitting the news often, so I think it is best to write about him because this is my blog and on my blog, we discuss what I want so here I am writing an article about Youngboy NBA.

First off, he came in with the heat with his new track with Nicki Minaj, I Am. Auralcrave gives a quick recap of the song. In their article, they state “I Admit is a song released by the American rapper NBA Youngboy in October 2022. It’s a collaboration with Nicki Minaj, the second one after 2020’s What That Speed Bout!?, and fans loved the song’s mood and message, especially looking at how the two artists interacted. In this article, we will explore the song’s meaning, and you will also find the complete lyrics at the end.”. This song is going to go up the charts and be an absolute banger.

With this new hit with the queen of rap herself, the rapper is going to stay on top. Youngboy NBA has always been a hit and never misses so I know this song is gonna go global as soon as possible.
